your mom

Friday, November 03, 2006

Alright These are real photographs, the one above was taken at 250 feet deep no sunlight ever reaches the Diepolder Cave, and it is extremely dangerous to dive at this depth inside a cave. Trust me i know i almost had my scuba diving liscense this summer. And you must be an experienced diver to attempt these dives.
this photo ( above right) is an excelently captured shot of the ginnin river in florida, of water on the bottom tinted by plant tannins, and the brown water is that of the flowing river, tainted by pollution. However, even if it is a picture of pollution it still looks amazing. The mixture of colour, highlighted by the light of the sun. All in all it is a beautiful picture. the photo to the left is a landscape which looks amazing, the shadows are absolutely brilliant. There is nothing else that I can say that will effectively describe these pictures, However, they are all at National they are all photosof the day. Not today but in the past. Me out. K thanks bye


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