your mom

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hey y'all, I know it's been like a year since I've even written anything on this blog, but I'm here right now. But yeah, so right now I'm chilling out, Life is so confusing right now, you don't eben know. Well, I'm actually SO excited right now because God has just shown me what it is that He wants me to do for the next year, so, I'll be going on a mission trip to Somewhere for a year, and then going on to University, because I have so much time, well, I don't know how much time I have, but theoretically, you know. Ijust want to get out of here, you know, I want to go out i nto the world and really make a difference, to touch people's lives, I want to go out there and live for God, to help other people. I will not be content to just sit back and let misery happen while I'm too busy to care about anything but my own life. I will not be content to sit back, and let it happen. Well. I love y'all, and I will check in again, but right now I have to go chill with Nad. Peace out. Mwah. Prayers for you.


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