Ok yeah so this is my trip to midland, with my art class, we took it on the 29th of may, and let me tell you, 4 hours there and 4 hours back on a school bus aren't too much fun, kinda really really long, but it's ok, I guess if you like that kind of thing. lol K so Picolo, this is for you, I love you and wanted to let you into my life so here we are. lol. So yeah, we went on this trip to go see the beautiful murals that are on the walls, which you see exhibited in some of these pictures. So let's start at the top. firts here we have me standing on he pier, oh yeah, and all these pictures were taken buy this lovely young lady here^ No, not me, miss Jessica Martin. (the red one) lol k so anyway...the next two pics are of a street, the restaurant where we ate, that little fish and chip place, there was this little greek man he was so old and cute, then it's me and nat walking down the street, and then...the next one was this sign that was on our bus, it was like the funniest thing ever! it was Soooo weird. anyhow, next there's my fav mural of this lady doing needlework, then a pic of me doing a silly face, shocker, I know. lol, the next one is this little alleyway thing, it looked really cool so I went in there and did a little dance. My ducky socks, and a pic pf Nat and Jess, and that's my hand, the creepy looking one. and down here at the bottom, we have a pic of me and jess in the restaurant, I surprisingly like this picture of myself. Now there's a real shocker with no sarcasm involved, lol. THere Picolo, now you can't say I never blog, but there are only 9 days of school left so I think this might be the end of your luck cause there isn't much time left to do stuff.So yeah, now I'm just waiting for Cindy to get offline yet again so I can post this, and then I'll see y'all soon, camp starts in 20 days. Moohoohahahahahahahahahahah yeah, I'm done now. k thanks bye. I don't actually mean that, it's just like this weird ritual, I just have to say that at the end of every blog, so here I go.... K thanks Bye